Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Daylily Silly

We had our annual Bay Area Daylily Society (BADS) show and sale on May 1.  We have the first show of the daylily season in the country.  Some of the people in our club are very proud of that fact.  Personally, I wish it was a week or two later in the month because we always get more blooms right after the show.  We've entered flowers for 4 years now, and have received ribbons for something each year, usually yellow, but occasionally a blue.  This year we did better, we got a purple, which is considered a "Major Award."  I got the giggles over that because it reminded me of the Major Award in the movie "Christmas Story" (remember the hideous leg lamp?)  Anyway, we got a Major Award for our daylily H. Pink Ambrosia.  My friend Timi said that 'Nothing Is Better Than a Leg Lamp" but I'm pretty tickled anyway at our purple ribbon. I actually like the flowers that we only got Red and Yellow ribbons for better.  They were H. Happy Hooligan  I like that cultivar better because it is speckled and a double.  Jay thinks it's ugly, though.

Sandy Soderberg won the Best Spider and Best in Show awards this year. She also won for Best Photo in the Single Flower category.  Sandy continues the 'St. Pete Sweep' tradition.  Maybe some day someone from the Tampa side of the bay will take home the top awards.  Maybe even someone from South Tampa.  Hmmm.. Now there's a thought.
As a result of my feeling really bummed out that we never have had more than 3 blooms to bring to the show, and feeling a little left out of the fun because the same people seem to win every year, I had a bright idea to also have a photo category.   Like in any club or committee, he who has the idea is suddenly put in charge of it.  Luckily three other very sweet club members, Kyle, Gayle and Terri were willing to  co-chair that section of the show committee with me.  Those of you who know me well know that I positively, absolutely hate being in charge of anything.  Yuck.  I'm really more of a sit-on-the-sidelines-and-provide-comic-relief kind of girl.  I'm not really management material.  You have to take things much more seriously than I do to be in charge of them.  I'm pretty good at having-ideas part, though.  I think we did really well for our first photo exhibit.  There were some bumps, but it all turned out okay.  We know more now, and have some good ideas to use next year if the club decides to keep the photo exhibit as part of the show.  I placed second and third in the Clump and Landscape categories, respectively.  Both pictures were taken at Johnson's Daylily Farm in Brooksville.  Pending Jeff and Linda Johnson's permission, I'm planning on doing a whole post on their daylily and bamboo farm in the near future.

I took some Flip Video of the show, with some fairly Blair-Witch-y footage of the sale in progress, the photo exhibit, and some of the flowers.  It can be seen on My You Tube Channel here.

1 comment:

  1. The pink one is beautiful! Congrats on the awards for your hard work and dedication. I'm so proud of you!
