Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring is Springing!

I just went out to check on things in the garden and found baby kale, tatsoi and swiss chard sprouts, lots of strawberries trying to ripen, and the first tomato bud forming on Mr. Stripey heirloom plants!  The beets, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and broccoli are all coming along nicely, too.  I ate a serving of raw snow peas for lunch yesterday, and today there are more waiting to be harvested.  I accidentally pulled out a baby swiss chard sprout because it looked just like all the baby maple trees sprouting from the helicopters dropped in from the neighbor's tree  (oops!)

Over in the square foot garden, the herbs are planted except for a few squares, and the box for the melons finally has sprouts in it.  The next step for those will be to build the frame for the trellis netting.  It supposedly will hold a 10 - 15 pound melon on the structure.  I hope we get to put that to the test. 


  1. WOW! Your strawberries look great. When did you plant them? I have trouble direct seeding mine in the garden. The local bunnies eat the seedlings before they get firm. It's like a buffet for them.

    What do you do with kale, tatsoi and swiss chard sprouts? I've never eaten these. Would I even like them?

  2. We planted the strawberries from transplants in November, I think. We don't plant them from seeds. Good thing about hydroponics is that bunnies can't reach the berries. Squirrels and birds can, though. We don't eat the kale, tatsoi and swiss chard sprouts... we let them mature. I just got "cari-d away" weeding out the maple tree seedlings and accidentally pulled out a swiss chard baby because the stems on both are red. I don't know if you'd like them as sprouts, but I can say I love the cooked greens when they're mature. I don't care for most dark greens raw, but I could eat dark leafies cooked every day. I put greens in just about everything.
