Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Visit from Bert and Ernie

This has nothing whatsoever to do with gardening or eating clean... not even my cats.  Well, I could push it by saying that I wouldn't have known these little guys were visiting if Daisy, our "First Responder" cat hadn't alerted me to their presence, thereby making the event quasi-blog-worthy.  Yesterday aftenoon these two little raccoons waddled into the driveway from the back yard, and scrambled up the little tree next to where I park my car.  They were about half the size of my cats.  It's a little Camphor tree, maybe 15 feet high.  They looked so little and scared.  They climbed up to the very top, one stepping on the face of the other at the end of their journey, trying to get comfy and secure.  It was really windy, the one on the bottom had a better perch because he was in a little V in the tree.  The one on top was basically hanging on by sheer willpower.  Eventually they climbed back down and waddled across the driveway, into the front yard and off into the distance.  I was on the phone with work when they left, and my headset cord didn't reach long enough for me to see where they went.  Poor little guys. I hope they found food and a warm place to hang out.

1 comment:

  1. They're probably watching Jay build the coop! We had 3 of them in the backyard once. They don't like to swim... and the one that's splashing around in the pool REALLY doesn't like it when his 2 buddies try to help get him out of the water with their really sharp claws. He finally found the steps and climbed out on his own. He probably traded those 2 in for new friends... It looked and sounded like a 3 Stooges show.
